Coty Inc Unveiled AgileHand Technology for Nail Polish in AR Environment

Feb 8, 2022 By MarketDepth

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Nail Polish Colors

Coty Inc. (NYSE: COTY) unveiled Perfect Corp.’s AgileHand® Technology, an advanced virtual try-on tool allowing anyone to experience hundreds of Sally Hansen nail color options in an augmented reality environment.

“Nail polish is a highly impulsive category—consumers love to experiment with any number of shades and finishes. Now, Sally Hansen fans can feel free to play even more with our new virtual try-on tool. The technology that Perfect Corp. has created is truly unmatched in the market—offering an augmented reality experience where consumers see how a precisely color-matched polish performs on their exact skin tone and nail shape and in changing lighting.”

Jean-Denis Mariani, Chief Digital Officer at Coty, home to the Sally Hansen brand

The Sally Hansen virtual try-on tool is the first technology solution applied since Coty entered into a strategic, multi-channel agreement with Perfect Corp. at the end of 2021. The collaborators also expect additional activations in the near future, including virtual try-on, online skin diagnostics and data-driven personalization. 

“Our partnership with Perfect Corp. is accelerating Coty’s digital journey and unlocking the best digital user experience for beauty lovers everywhere. We can’t wait to show you what’s next.”

Jean-Denis Mariani, Chief Digital Officer at Coty, home to the Sally Hansen brand

The Sally Hansen virtual try-on tool is free and available on any mobile device in the U.S. via