Ontario To Rollout Vaccination Certificates

Sep 1, 2021 By MarketDepth

Business Headlines Healthcare What's Hot

Vaccine Passport

Ontario will begin to require proof of vaccination to access non-essential businesses as of September 22nd. Ontarians will be required to present a vaccination certificate alongside a government-issued ID to enter gyms, indoor restaurants, movie theatres, and take part in concerts and organized large gatherings, according to CTV News Toronto. 

Individuals Will Use a Simplified App

Additionally, the province is working on an app that will simplify the process, combining the vaccine certificate and ID, and allowing vaccinated individuals to use their smartphones to display their vaccine status without sharing any personal health information. Nevertheless, some have voiced concerns about the app, with low income and the elderly potentially set to potentially be left behind once the app is rolled out.

Vaccine Passports Becoming More Common

Ontario isn’t alone, as plans for vaccine passports have already been rolled out in several other Canadian provinces, including British Columbia, Quebec, and Manitoba. And while the vaccination certificates are an important tool to contain the spread, Dr. Isaac Bogoch, an infectious diseases specialist, has warned that they are not the “solution to the pandemic.”